Representation For
People Seeking Social Security Disability / SSI Benefits

You might be eligible for benefits if:

You are unable to work full-time due to severe physical and/or mental health limitations that have, or are expected, to last at least 12 consecutive months.


You are under age 66


You are a teenager receiving children's benefits, being reviewed for adult benefits.


Fees are awarded at the end of a claim, based on past due benefits, calculated by Social Security

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About Melinda

Melinda passed a rigorous exam regarding Social Security rules and regulations for her qualification of eligibility for direct pay as a non-attorney. She demonstrated her knowledge and experience in performing research, identifying and citing appropriate SSA Regulations for case development, hearings and appeals.

Melinda has a degree in legal assisting with additional studies in psychology. She has over 10 years of experience working with applicants in Social Security Disability and SSI claims. She began her career working with SSDI/SSI applicants in 2004.

Melinda has an extensive background working for attorneys, and for her, that has set a precedence for a high level of professional conduct including operating within certain rules of ethics, as a non-attorney, that attorneys are bound by. Melinda's current work as a NADR Accredited Disability Representative, is in the course of her employment at Jennifer Lang Perkins P.C.

Melinda is required to maintain liability insurance and participate in continuing education courses. She is a member of the National Association of Disability Representatives (NADR).

Melinda is passionate about advocating for those who are willing to help themselves.

If a client expresses to her that their basic needs are not being met due to limited income and resources, she may be able to point them towards assistance. She tries to stay in the know about resources she can refer community members to.

Melinda is in a position that allows her to limit her caseload to ensure it maintains manageability. It's important to her that there is sufficient attention given to each case.

Information about the Process & Services Offered


If your ability to work and earn money has been limited due to serious health issues, you might be a candidate for Disability (SSDI) or SSI benefits.

- If you have worked and paid FICA taxes in recent years, you might have enough credits earned for insured status to be eligible to file for the SSDI benefit.

- If you have not worked or paid FICA taxes in recent years, and have limited household assets/income, you might be eligible to file for the SSI benefit.

- If you have worked and paid FICA taxes in recent years and also have limited assets/income, you may be eligible to file claims for both SSDI and SSI.

- If your disabling conditions began before you were age 22, there maybe another way for you to qualify for SSDI benefits if you have not earned enough credits for insured status through your own earnings record.

It's important that you be properly informed of which application(s) you maybe eligible to file as well as knowing how to identify the most appropriate and justifiable date of onset to use.

People can lose thousands of dollars in benefits because of lack of information, receiving bad information from people who don't know the process well, and settling for just processing an SSI application when they may truly be able to justify filing for SSDI, even if it's been several years since they stopped working. The details matter, tremendously.

Melinda has been assisting people with application filings for several years. She absolutely loves it when she is able to get someone approved without the need to wait for a hearing!!

Having an experienced, skilled, and communicative Representative assisting you from the very beginning can help you optimize your chances for a favorable outcome.

Case Development

The process of pursuing SSDI/SSI benefits is not fast, and that is because of the backlog of cases at SSA.

Melinda is highly skilled and experienced in case development. She likes to address as many issues early on as possible, in hopes to get a favorable decision without the need to wait a long time for a hearing. This is why she has had a high percentage of the cases she has been involved in from the very start, get approved without the need for a hearing.

After an application is submitted, Social Security sends out several more forms to be completed in a short period of time. These forms can be redundant, frustrating, and the questions asked can be confusing - which can make it difficult to know how to respond.

Melinda is happy to take the time to explain Social Security's forms and when necessary, she will assist in the completion of the forms based on information and responses provided to her by the applicant.

If you have to find a primary doctor, haven't seen a specialist for your condition(s), or have a new condition that needs addressed, Melinda will try to identify some providers you can contact.

Melinda will try to help you obtain statements from treatment providers in an effort to address lack of clarity in treatment records. Expert evaluations and opinions can be critical to the outcome of a claim.

Melinda will work with you to develop a strong case and she'll make every effort to avoid incurring costs in case development. Sometimes, it's as simple as communication and applying strategy in the timing of when, and how, records or physician statements are requested.

Denied Claims
& Appeals

Social Security will often deny claims that are indeed worth pursuing. Sometimes claims are denied because SSA doesn't receive records from a provider or they have not received completed forms back from an applicant within a certain time frame, and sometimes the basis for denial could be influenced simply by the amount of time that has passed since a major event or new diagnosis. Occasionally, there is simply no basis for the denial and there is a very good chance it could be approved at the next level. Having a Representative that knows what to look for if a denial is issued is important to determine how to move forward in the applicant's best interest.

Social Security denials indicate the timeline you have to file an appeal. Failure to file an appeal within the allowed time could result in the application being closed out by the SSA. As your Representative, Melinda would be able to file appeals on your behalf in an effort to ensure timely filing.

If you received a denial, issued within the past 12 months, that has not yet been appealed, she maybe able to help determine if there is "good cause" for filing a late appeal. She can assist in filing an argument to reopen an application. Every day counts in this scenario and you are encouraged to contact her as soon as possible for a free consultation.

Melinda's work has had positive lasting impacts on the lives of many, throughout her long career, with the number of cases she has gotten reopened and/or appealed to eventually get favorable outcomes in. She is grateful to have been able to assist so many who have reached out and let her guide them through the process.


Everyone who goes to a hearing has been denied, more than once, yet a lot of people do win at hearing.

It is estimated that, nationally, about 80% of SSDI/SSI applicants have to go to a hearing.

Some reasons that a person may be denied and required to go to a hearing could include the need for vocational or expert testimony.

As your Representative, Melinda will be able to present your case to a Judge and cross-examine vocational and medical experts.

Some judges do have certain tendencies when it comes to particular conditions involved in a case. The judge that gets assigned can influence how a case should be presented. Some judges simply have low approval ratings so having a Representative that knows how to present a claim in a way that sets a strong precedence for appealing in the event a denial is issued, can be significant to the final outcome of a claim.

What People Say About Melinda

“Melinda Hernandez was extremely proficient in handling all the requirements of my case. My case took over 2 years and a face to face with the judge and Melinda's expertise with handling all the necessary paperwork was amazing. Several times I wanted to quit and she was patient and understanding and was the reason I kept going with the extremely long and very tiring process. I cannot sing her praises enough... My case was approved...”

~ L. C.

“When you are at one of the worst points in your life you need people behind you who understand. Melinda was amazing! I can't even say enough about her hard work and caring personality! You feel as though you are the only client. She calls you back and always does what she says she is going to do... I feel Melinda needs to be mentioned for her knowledge, expertise she displays.”

~ K. B.

"...A SPECIAL THANK YOU to MELINDA HERNANDEZ for being so kind and caring dealing with my disabilities, and being very knowledgeable. We got the approval at the initial level..."

~ S. P.

Here's what some attorneys, familiar with Melinda's work and experience, have to say:

"Ms. Hernandez [Spencer] and I have worked together since at least 2015. I have not served as her employer, but instead I reviewed claims she developed for potential appeal to the United States District Court. In that capacity, I had the opportunity to see her case development for Social Security disability claimants. In addition, I have had many occasions to speak with Ms. Hernandez about case development strategies and the nuances of working with the Social Security Administration.

Ms. Hernandez has worked for several attorneys in the field of disability. She brings that experience to her case management... The cases I reviewed from Ms. Hernandez were uniformly well developed with complete medical files and often several treating physician letters.

Ms. Hernandez knows what is required to expertly represent claimants before the Social Security Administration. Her efforts not only benefitted the claimant but also ensured that the administration had fulfilled their claimant obligations."

~ J. H. (Attorney)

"Indeed, when Ms. Hernandez [Spencer] joined my practice, she already had more experience in the Social Security arena than I did, having previously worked for one of our area's pre-eminent Social Security law firms some years past.

Ms. Hernandez was actively involved in every stage of claim development, from intake through hearing, including appeals. She would often conduct the initial client intake interview if I was unavailable and she was proficient in quickly identifying the nature of the claim (Title II or Title XVI), the likely impairments, the most relevant medical providers, and the most helpful lay observers.

Although we would regularly staff these claims together, very often my input was little more than to agree with Ms. Hernandez's assessment and plan of action. She was exceptionally tenacious at tracking down and obtaining records from medical providers and comparing our complete files against the typically incomplete files relied upon when an initial claim had been denied.

Similarly, when a client had not yet filed a claim, Ms. Hernandez applied her skills to developing a sufficient record that led on occasion to the rare approval on initial review, and often secondary review. Indeed, it was her skill that ultimately expedited many claims to acceptance well short of a hearing.

On more than one occasion at hearing I was able to rely upon Ms. Hernandez's thorough and detailed review of the medical record to identify impairments and medical opinions that had escaped the judge's consideration.

Aside from simply developing claim files, Ms. Hernandez was particularly attuned to the needs of each client and was instrumental in guiding many of those clients to needed services in the community. On occasion, the result of those services and Ms. Hernandez's guidance resulted in clients ultimately obtaining meaningful employment and voluntarily withdrawing their claims, which they certainly viewed as the ideal outcome.

Part of Ms. Hernandez's skill in obtaining records and favorable outcomes was her personal demeanor with business offices and bureaucrats that would have caused others (i.e. me) to become not only impossibly frustrated, but sufficiently frustrated that a meaningful ongoing working relationship may have been difficult, at best. The combination of her tenacity and professionalism was instrumental in helping our clients get the best outcome possible.

When we would lose a hearing, Ms. Hernandez was responsible for drafting the request for review by the Appeals Council. Although I would edit and maybe revise part of that draft based on my recollections from the hearing, those drafts largely became the final product that we submitted.

Let me close with this. I am a pessimist. Ms. Hernandez is an optimist. As a result, her advocacy caused me to take on clients that I would not have otherwise, for any number of reasons. And, more often that not, we (and by we, I really mean she) obtained benefits for those clients and helped change their lives. Ms. Hernandez is dedicated to helping people, and her dedication made her an exceptional Social Security advocate..."

~ M. F. (Attorney / Judge)